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viernes, 28 de febrero de 2014

Miriam Riquelme, being the analyst.

What can I say of this week?
So many things have happened that I don't know how to start. I won't say that we had plenty of problems, because my groupmates have already said it. This week has been, in my opinion, a big mess.
The week started in a very weid way, because we didn't actually know how to do the practice for this week. After a lot of thinking and asking our classmates, we started to develop our idea. The first thing was to pick a topic which hadn't been picked by any other group, because we wanted to save ourselves some problems with the rest of the class. We chose "The Layers of the Earth" because we thought it was something easy, practical and useful.
Our main mistake was to work separated. Each of us started making our part of the work and we messed things up. I have to admit myself that I had trouble with the Powerpoint, because I thought I had to do something and I was wrong.
We also had some problems of bonding. We've fought a lot this week, but that doesn't mean that we don't get on well anymore. For the well being of the group, we acted like civilised people and we finally worked things out.
As the analyst, I've had a hard time because I didn't know how to grade my groupmates. It is difficult to decide in this situation because all of them are classmates, some of them even good friends, and I never thought I'd had to grade them. In general, this week all of us could have worked way better than we did, but with effort and  determination we will get better and better.
Now, I'll answer some questions about our work this week.

What was the best part of the activity?

For me, the best part of the activity this week was making it for children, not for our classmates. It was the first time we did something focused on the learning of the pupils and not on University students.

What was the worst?

In my opinion, it was when we were clueless about what we had to do. We were all a bit nervous and we were frustrated.

What was the best moment of the week? (In the work of the group)

When we realised what we had to do and started working with a lot of enthusiasm and doing our best.

What was the worst?

The worst part this week has been the lack of compenetration and the amount of disagreements between us.

What have you learnt?

What do we need to conserve -as a group- for the next weeks?

We need to conserve our enthusiasm and our effort. We really make our best every week, and if we continue, we will get very far.

What do we need to improve -as a group- for the next weeks?

I think we should improve the organization and the way of working. We need to be focused on the work and not on trivial things such as fights or disagreements.

How is this content related to the other contents in the course and in your degree?

I think this content is strongly related to everything we do in the degree because when we make a slideshow, we have to bear in mind that Creative Commons is something very important and we learn to reference our work and to give credit to others for their work.

Is there any social connection of this content (news, politics, etc.)?

Of course. Intellectual property has been a very discussed topic in the last few years because of the author's rights and everything in the musical area or in the movies.

Carmela Navarro, the translator.

Hello, I´m Carmela Navarro Artés, the translator of this week.

First of all I want to explain the development of this week.
We started doing a draft about our exposition, in which we had some troubles because we didn´t really understeand what we had to do, but after some hours thinking about the patterns, we did it as well as we could.
We also talked over  between us because we had different points of view but at the end we resolved everything and continue doing our job as if nothing had happended.

After that, on Monday our stars did the expotition and they did their best.

Another work that we had to do, was do two slideshows, but we didn´t understand it well and we thought that we had to do three power points, one explaining the creative commons, another explaining how to do a suitable exposition (incluiding some contents about how to do a good presentation), and the last one the presentation of our topic, "The layers of the earth". When the teacher explained to us what we really had to do, we had to start it all over again.                                                                                                                        
According to my work, I had to explain five concepts which from my point of view have been important to understand what we have done this week. This five concepts are going to be: Creative commons, the Earth, the Layers of the Earth, the concept of volcano and the concept of tectonics plaits.

Creative Commons: it is a board of directors who want to find a balace between the public and private interest according to stablish some limits by the author in the use and exploitation of this resources

(neoteo, 2007)

The Earth:  The earth is the third planet from the sun in the solar system, orbiting between Venus and Mars and has one natural satellite, the moon. It is compound by three parts the crass, mantle, outer core, and inner core.

(Press, 2014) (My school house, 1999-2014)

The layers of the earth: there are fou different parts: the crust is made mostly of rock, below the crust is the mantle, which is made mostly of solid rock, and it is the thickest layer of the hearth, it is also very hot. The center of the hearth is called the core, and it is extremely hot, it is further divided into a outer core and an inner core. The outer core is a liquid layer of melted nickel and iron. The inner core is made of solid nickel and iron.

Volcano: it is an opening in the Earth's crust from which lava, ash, and hot gases flow or are ejected during an eruption.

(The free dictionary, 2009)

Plate tectonicsPlate tectonics is the scientific theory that attempts to explain the movements of the Earth's lithosphere that have formed the landscape features we see across the globe today.

Briney, 2014)

References. (neoteo, 2007)
Briney, A. (2014). About Recuperado el 25 de februay de 2014, de
My school house. (1999-2014). Recuperado el 25 de February de 2014, de
Press, O. U. (2014). Oxford Dictionaries. Obtenido de
The free dictionary. (2009). Recuperado el 25 de february de 2014, de

A new role for this week. Elena Sánchez Valverde

To describe my role this week I would like to say that to be a Facilitator is a bit more complicated than I thought.
Lasts week I was able to understand perfectly my role, but this week we've had some troubles, for instance to when we organized the work between all of us, I made some mistakes.
First of all, I had to understand what we had to do but I have to say I was wrong. Maybe you're wondering, why. The thing was that I understood we had to make three differents Power Points, when actually we only had to make two. But I have to add that we were able to check it and to fix what was wrong. It is interesting how we can create a lot of difficulties when  the work is  actually easier than we think.

To begiin to describe the work that I have done this week, first of all I met with some other people of my group along last week, and we put in common the things we had to include in the presentation of last Monday. That day we'd got some differences between us, but at the end we made up and we tried to do the best for our group and for our work.
On Saturday I started the day telling one by one the things ( the slides) they had to do for this week. It was so difficult because when you have to decide and to organize a group of many people you've always got some douts about who dit it better, even though my group helped me and all of us did the diffents slides together.

As a Facilitator, I encourage up my group to improve some aspects of our work, for example, improve the design and the contents of the blog, and other things. Yesterday we talked to Linda, the teacher of the course, she gave us some piecees of advice to improve the design of the blog to impress the readers.

To conclude I have to say there are some roles which I haven't done yet but, at the moment I think this is the most difficult of all, the explanation of it is because when you have to guide the work of others and these other people are your classmates and some of them are your friends it is complicated, because you want to do your best, but also you have to understand their different ways of working.

Mª Luz Rodríguez, curator-farmer.

Hi everyone!
I'm MªLuz the "Curator-farmer" of this week. These days, we have worked on Layers of the Earth, because this topic is very common in primary education where children learn about enviroment and nature. 
We have found a lot of problems in order to do our work this week, for example, when we were looking for the pictures. That is because we had to choose  pictures with Creative Commons License and there were very few but we got them finally. Another problem this week has been the Power Point where the font and the basic rules did not follow.
This week I did my work in the following way: First of all, we have done the Power Point in which pictures of the layers of the Earth appear. As I am the "Curator-Farmer" I have put the different links in order to do the PearlTree. After that, I have had to do another power point that it explained how to do a great slideshow. For this, I have read many webpages and I have seen a tutorial. The slides have been done according to this tutorial webpages and we have tried to do them as well as possible.
Moreover, this week like a "Curator-Farmer"  I have problems because the references of the pictures were not very clear, authors and dates were confusing and I have found pictures and webpages where the author did not appear. I think that the role of "Curator- Farmer"  is different rather than my last role because the "Star" has to explain the topic while the "Curator-Farmer" does the PearlTree only, both roles are important but different because the first one does its work in public while the second one works with the computer.
I think that the team work very well, but we should improve our blog and our contents. Education Rush Hour has this blog where you can see what we have done these days. I hope you enjoy reading our blog, and above all, you learning so much with us!

Being Star, by Alejandro Orenes Almira

My role of the week was the "star" and I have done a presentation called "Layers of the Earth" with my mate Alba. We were a little nervous, so I think that the presentation wasn't like we hope. However, I think that I have learnt a lot today at classroom and I will try to do it better in the next presentation although it would be in other subject.

Last week, when I noticed my role for the week was the star I thought that I will get very nervous at the time to do the presentation, so I prepared it as soon as possible, but I have been betrayed by my self-steem and my nerves. I think that my topic was easy to study, it was about a topic that it's taught at Primary schools. I really like the universe and all it's stars so I think that the topic was suitable for me.

This week I will have another challenge, me and my mates will prepare all our roles and we will do our best at classroom and home.

This is the presentation I did with one of my mates at classroom last Monday:

miércoles, 26 de febrero de 2014

To be a journalist, by Elena Rivera.

Hello, I´ve been working as a journalist this week. This has been a very good experience for me.

Firs of all, we distribute the roles of each one in order to start the work soon. I was very interested in how to do this role because I like to do several things, that is, I want to learn with every roles. The work this week was great, we have learnt a lot of different topics. I like Give me seven presentation, was brilliant.

Secondly, we decided what topic will be present by our stars this week, it was about the leyers of the Earth that included the explanation of what is a tsunami and what is a earthquake. Then the stars prepared the presentation for the class with a Power Point presentation.

We had some problems with the letters of the slides because one of them could´t be reading well because of the color of the letter in relation with the color of the background. Despite this, we resolve this problem, and now it´s correct.

Here you can see some images of our presentation.

Presentation's day we can see some brilliant presentations, one of them is from "Give me seven". It was about the food chain and the presenter use an example with glasses in orden to explain better the topic.

Here you can find the link of their blog:

 I also find a blog about creative commons, it's very interesting and he explain very clear the key concepts about this. The link is:

In conclusion, we think we´ll continue to improve our blogs and works in order you like more it.

martes, 25 de febrero de 2014

Alba Yelo, one of the Stars

Hello, my name is Alba Yelo and I was the star of the week as my mate Alejandro. When we had the draft o our work "Layers of the earth" corrected, we met to prepare the presentation and learnt together how to use Google Docs, so we could both work at home.

First of all, I didn't know where I could find information to prepare my presentation, but searching on Google I discovered that best information was on National Geographic's webpage, where I found a special page dedicated to help teachers to teach topics like the one we were working about, so I took most of the information and images from there.

At least, Alejandro and me exposed the presentation today, we were very nervous, so it wasn't very well. Whebn we finnished, Linda told us what was wrong and correct on it. Thanks to her I realized that my part of the presentation could be so much better, so I'm going to do my best on the next work.

Here you have the presentation:

domingo, 23 de febrero de 2014

Education Rush Hour (cheer up)

Hello everybody.
This morning when Education Rush Hour got up, we have just feel for a moment, we can do anything we propose ourselves, we believe by our own, just take a minute and ask yourselves if you believe in yours.

Have a good day and make the most of your time!

martes, 18 de febrero de 2014

Being Farmer: Carmela Navarro Artes

Hello, I am Carmela Navarro Artés, the "Curator-farmer" of this week.

This week we have been working on the topic of Cartographic projections studying the different types of making a map.

Along this week, I have been working with the same programe used by my partner last week, the one called "Pearl tree" but this week the way of using it, has been easier than last week because I have had the help of our curator-farmer of last week, Elena Rivera, so I had to recolect all the information used by my partners about the topic of this week and put it in the pearl tree.

This time my role has been very different rather than the one of last week, the "Star" because, in that one I had to look for the information, do the poster, learn a lot about the topic (TPACK), and prepare the exposition which was a surprise because we didn´t really know how it was going to be, and this week I have been working hard as last week but the way of working has been very different.

According to the exposition, I think that all of us thought that it was going to be like last week, but the teacher suprised us changing everything.

First of all the stars had to explain all the contents together, I mean, there was just one exposition. They did it very well and as in everything there was different points of view about what was the best type. Each star talked a few seconds using their posters and differents tools, for example one group used an orange and in our case we used our power point.

After that the rest of roles had to explain concepts related to the work made along this week.

In my case I had to explain how each one can understand something depending of their experiences, cultures, education... And we explain it with an example, first of all we drew in the blackbourd a body with something in the hand, and then the people had to say what they saw, maybe it was a boy with a towel, a mother cleaning, the gardener picking cauliflowers...

So it is everything for this week, I hope that you don´t find it boring and enjoy with us!

Now we are ready to have another wonderful week of work, we will keep in contact by our account of twitter and instagram.

Being a Star: Mari Luz Rodriguez Gambín

My role for this week has been the "Star", I had to explain cartographic projection. This week the explanations have been different because all "Star" had to do a brainstorm and then we had to explain it.
First, the Stars have spoken about cartographic projection, and we have distribute what it was necessary to say. Some "Stars" have spoken about the main projections like Mercator, Robinson or Azimuthal. Finally, we have done a conclussion where a classmate has explained which projection he considered the best.
That activity has been very enriching because we have learn about cartographic projection a little bit. The stars have helped each other with their knowledge about this.
I think that the activity has had an added difficulty because we had limited time for do this. However, we have distributed the work and finally we have do it the best as it has been possible. Moreover we have learned how we have to teach to our future students according to the distortion of reality.
 I have enjoyed a lot with this rolen because I have learnt so much about cartographic projection, geography and Treasure Hunt. I hope that this subject is used for learn about a lot of areas of knowledge.

lunes, 17 de febrero de 2014

Elena Rivera, Translator of the week

Hello! I'm Elena Rivera and I've been working as a translator. My job is to select five key words that help to explain map projections better. I've selected the following words:

  •  Cartography: It's an ancient science and discipline that is able to represent areas of our planet on a map or chart. It can also represent political and cultural divisions of a geographical area, among other things.

  •  Map projection: It's a transformation of a 3. Dimensional surface (The Earth) on to a 2.Dimensional map. Many maps differ in the exactitude of the representation of an area.

  • Distortion: It's an alteration of the original shape of an area of the planet when it's represented in a map.

  • Parallel: It's a line that is imaginary and it's around the Earth parallel to the equator.

  • Meridian: It's the half of a imaginary circle that is represented on a map. Its ends are North Pole and South Pole.

I've selected them because they're easy words to understand and very useful when we have to explain something related to map projections. I have learnt a lot as a translator because I didn´t know a lot about map projections. I hope I will learn more in the role of next week.

To be the Star, a new experience. Elena Sánchez Valverde

This week my role has been really intense and different if I compare it with the role I did last week. First of all this week I have been sharing the role with my other partner Mari Luz, and we have to looked for a lot information on this topic because we wanted to understand well the authors' different points of view
and also want to communicate the knowledge which we have had acquired to our classmates.
Today Mari Luz and I have presented the explanation of three authors and their three projections with the others stars of the class.
Linda has really surprised us due to all stars have prepared an usual type of exposition by our own or with the partner of our group, but when we have put the different works in common we have found some problems, after comparing and deciding what ideas to explain and how we should present the contents. It was easy to share out the contents so that everyone could speak
Last week I thought being the star was the most important role of the group since he or she has to show to the rest of the class the contents in which the group has been working, but this week I do not think the same. In fact, today all roles have had to explain some part of the work from this week, and I've liked it because then we all have shown his or her best way of work, which in my opinion is a really dinamic way to work.
I also want to share in this post that today I have learned the importance of pronouncing well each word. That's why today  I was wrong when I have said '' a map is a graphic representation of the real world in a piece of shit'", when what I wanted to say was ''a piece of sheet'' and of course, everybody laughted of it. That's normal, but I have to take care with this because someone may feel bad, despite that not being my intention
In brief, everybody has had to work a lot despite his role, and each Monday we will be surprised in any different way.

Elena Sánchez Valverde.

The Analyst work of the week, by Alba Yelo

Hello! My name is Alba and I am the Analyst this week. During the week we are working on the different theories about cartographic projections. Now, I am going to answer some questions, and at the end of the week I will grade the effort of my partners.

a. What was the best part of the activity?

The best part of this work has been realize that the size of the countries is not what we thought it was, and the subsuquent research and exposition. We learnt how to reach out to the children with the different media to explain any content on a class.

b. What was the worse?

The worst thing was to organize the work at the beginning, when we tried to understand exactly what we had to do and how to expose it at class.

c. What was the best moment of the week (in the work of the group)? 

The best moment of the week has been when we worked toghether trying to understand the different theories about the cartographic projections and how to explain it on Monday. It was the best moment because each member of the group was contributing with their own ideas, and it was easy to reach out the final conclusion.

d. What was the worse? 

The worse part (like the first week) was to understand the whole work. When Linda (our teacher) exposed what we had to do we panicked because we didn't know how to start the activity, but finally bit by bit we understood what she wanted and how to do it.

e. What have you learnt?

We have learnt that real size of the countries is different from that we have studied so far, and that depends on the cartographer who did the map (his ideology, his origin...)

f. What do you need to conserve -as a group- for the next weeks?

I think that we have to keep helping each other and continue providing and accepting the ideas of others members of the group. It is a good thing to work faster and clarify the ideas about the activity.

g. What do you need to improve –as a group- for the next weeks?

I think we should improve the speed of work at class because it take so long to reach a conclusion about what we have to do.

h. How THIS content is related to other contents in the course and in your degree?

In my opinion, this is related in the course with the way teachers teach. I mean, as we saw with the different theories about cartography, the Mercator's proyection is the less accurate to the reality but even so, the teachers on schools teach with his map beacuse it is easier to learn with it. That makes me think that the contents of the subjects (as Psychology or Sociology) are being adapted to young people to understand them without any problem.

i. There is any evident social connection of this content (news, politics, etc.)?

Of course, the cartographic projects are influenced by the ideologies of each person who did those theories.
Hi, this week I have to be the journalist, so my work is about writting what my mates do at classroom and  more things. We met at the classroom to decide how the presentation would be. Firstly, we tried to solve the doubts we had about the task of the subject. After that, we thought of the countries that we should choose to include them in the presentation that the star will perform next Monday. While the facilitator was talking, the rest of us were paying attention her and taking note of what she was telling us. We suggested some things  that could be proper to the work and discussed it because not all the members of the group agreed with that. We were remaining the instructions that the teacher gave us in the last lesson, for example: we are aware that we can not include words in the powerpoint, just pictures.

Then, we searched pictures on the Internet. The suggestions that were given by each member of the group were being taken in account by all.  We also clarified the individual doubts when someone of the group had them, the opinion of every member of the group is very important, so we try to do our best sharing our experience with the Internet doing our tasks easier and more comfortable. 

There is a comment that I have written in a blog to improve my task of the week 

Language Teaching Tips

I  also have written a comment in one of the student's group blog: Step by Step

Being the facilitator, by Miriam Riquelme Gil.

This second week has been (in some aspects) easier than last week.
The main reason is that this week we knew what to expect and what we were doing better than the first. We started the week with a lot of enthusiasm and, as we asigned the rols, I tried to organize more or less the work for this week.
The first thing I did as the facilitator was to put a deadline. Every post by every single one of the roles had to be in a draft by Saturday night to avoid the last hour updates and go a little more relaxed. After that, I tried to help my group mates as much as I could, asking questions to the teachers, observing that everything was going correctly...
I think we honestly did a good job this week and that now we are getting used to work together and we are more comfortable than last week.
Personally I think I did my job well this week, but it can always be better, so I'm sure that with effort and hard work we will be a great group very soon.
Also I have uploaded some videos this week in order to document our work and to share it in the social networks.
Today it was the day of the presentations and we were nervous because we didn't know what to expect. When Linda explained how the presentations would be done, we all started working in our groups (Facilitators with facilitators and journalists, analysts with analysts...) I think this was very intesting beacuse we are learning how to coperate and work in groups.
It's been an interesting activity and I have really enjoyed it.

Finally just a reminder that you can follow us on twitter and  instagram

viernes, 14 de febrero de 2014

Treasure Hunt: Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt

    ·        Why Egyptian society was so important and large along the history?


                 ·        A Pharaoh was the king of Egyptian society, who were the most important or who were the most known?

            ·         The ancient Egypt was a very important society with and interesting culture, do you know some aspect of his culture?

                 ·        The pyramids are huge structures which were used to keep treasures and                   to entomb pharaohs and their queens; do you know something about their sizes and how many years it was built?

·        What does the word ‘pyramid’ mean?


jueves, 13 de febrero de 2014

Week 2. Roles.

Carmela Navarro Artés: Curator-Farmer
Elena Rivera Gallego: Translator.
Alejandro Orenes Almira: Journalist.
Elena Sánchez Valverde and Mari Luz Rodríguez Gambín: Stars.
Alba Yelo Maquilón: Analyst.
Miriam Riquelme Gil: Facilitator. 

Find us on Instagram and Twitter.

martes, 11 de febrero de 2014

Rating other groups

Last Monday we saw the presentations of the rest of the groups, and we took notes about the things that we liked, the things that we didn't like and the things we would copy.

The first group was "Step by step" and the rating is:
The best thing: She explained the TPACK very well, it was easy to understand and to follow her.
The worst thing: She was speaking low, so it was difficult to follow her.
The thing we would copy: The poster, it was very colorful.

The second one was "Hide and seek":
The best thing: The organization of the explanation. She explained what TPACK is and then the examples.
The worst thing: She was speaking low, so it was difficult to understand her.
The thing we would copy: The little explanations on the poster.

The third group was "C'mon Tutankamon"
The best thing: The exposition was very original and they explained it very clear.
The worst thing: They used two posters instead of one and they had to hold it while exposition.
The thing we would copy: The way they exposed the work and the diagram they used, it was very clear.

The fourth group was "Little Ants"
The best thing: The examples she used.
The worst thing: There was too much information on the poster and it was difficult to understand and reading.
The thing we would copy: We would copy the draws on the poster.

The fifth group was "T8T"
The best thing: The whole exposition, map and explanation.
The worst thing: The examples were incorrect.
The thing we would copy: The poster.

The sixth group was "Brainstorming"
The best thing: It was an original explanation.
The worst thing: She was talking very loud.
The thing we would copy: The motivation of Rosana.

The seventh group was "Teach leaders"
The best thing: The exposition was clear, the map and also the explanation.
The worst thing: One of them was reading.
The thing we would copy: The way they were exposing, they talked very naturally

The eighth group was "Give me 7"
The best thing: The exposition was very original, he used symbols on the map.
The worst thing: The poster had too much text and the letter was too small to read.
The thing we would copy: The symbols he used, it was easy to understand each part of the poster

And that's all. Hope we have not offended anyone.

Being a Curator- farmer, by Elena Rivera

I've been working as a "Curator-farmer" this week and I have had to use a programe called "Pearl tree".

It was a bit difficult to understand its functioning because it was the first time that I used it, but. You can share a 

lot of things in this program, in our case we share our TPACK pearl tree, in which I recolected the references 

that we've used to do our work. Finally,  here you can find the link to arrived to our Pearl tree about TPACK:

Alba Yelo as the Facilitator on TPACK's work

Hello there! My name is Alba Yelo Maquilón and I was the Facilitator of the group last week.

At first, I thought that my role was controlling every step that my partners did, guide them in their jobs and also I thought that I would be responsible for the final mark of this week’s task, but instead of that, I discovered that my real work is just to guide and help them, and try to solve the problems they have (like misunderstunding or how the mass media works). My job is also to correct the posts of each member of the group and upload it on the Blog.

In the begginig of the week I was scared with this role because we didn’t know what we had to do - It is the first time that we do a work like this and we didn't have practice on it- and I didn't know how to guide the people, but along the past week I felt confortable and I could understand each part of the entire work, so I could help everyone with their problems.

Hope the next role will be so exciting as being the boss was!

To be a translator by Elena Sánchez Valverde

To be translator; my point of view

This week my role consisted on collecting the five most important terms and aspects that I considered we had to learn.
Summarizing, the things we have learnt this week are the concepts of TPACK.

What is TPACK? Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge. This words identify the knowledge that teachers should use in their class while they are teaching. In other words, this means that the teachers need some aspects to be good teachers. TPACK are these aspects.

TPACK, in my opinion, is the most important term, inasmuch as this week we have focused in it, but we also have to know the meaning of each word;
T: technology (advances in technology word). 
P: pedagogy (is the science and art of education that develop conceptual knowledge and develop pedagogical setting). 
C: content (the topic or contents of each subject).
K: knowledge (facts, information, description or skills which we acquire experience or education).

This week the group and I have learnt how to cooperate and how to develop each of our roles and helping in doubts of others roles. I want to say that the experience to be a translator is good, and I like it.

Being a Translator, by Alejandro Orenes Almira.

Well, last week, when I finally joined in my group and I acquired my own role as the Translator of the group, I also acquired the responsability to collect the five most important aspects that I have learnt on the week adding the definitions of every term with the help of my mate Elena. I focused on the TPACK documents, where there were enough information to do a good work. TPACK framework means Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge, it treats about a model of teaching that is useful to guide the teacher in the good way to obtain good results.

From my point of view, being a translator has been easy thanks to my mates because of their help. We have been helping us in our own work concerning about doing our best to prepare the exposition of the star, doing it as comfortable as possible. Furthermore, if any member of the group would have  any doubt at anytime, all the members of the group tried to solve it. I am very happy with that point and I hope we cooperate with the same way all the weeks.

As a conclusion I would like to say that I'm proud of my group and our organization which is necessary to do the tasks.

MªLuz Rodríguez like an Analyst

Hi! My name is MªLuz, and I am the Analyst this week. The work of this week is about TPACK, and I will answer the next question. Then, I am going to grade each member of the group "Education Rush Hour"

a. What was the best part of the activity?

On the one hand, the best part of this activity has been what we have learnt about TPACK . It was the first time that we were working about school organization but we have been able to solve our problems. On the other hand, we have seen how each team has explained their point of view about this. The explanations are very clear and original, indeed, their "stars" were able to describe in detail TPACK concept.

b. What was the worse?

Meanly, the worse part has been the beginning because we do not know what we had to do. There was a lot of misunderstanding and the things to do were not very clear. However, we have worked very hard and we have got solve our problems.

c. What was the best moment of the week (in the work of the group)? 

The best moment of the week has been when the group was working about the mind map, because our ideas were explained and we chose the best one. Moreover, work environment was very important because each member has worked in its part. Therefore we have seen our results on Monday.

d. What was the worse? 

The worse part is difficult to say, but the beginning of the week was very stifling. The first day, when the work was explained, we had a lot of doubts. There was a sense of stress and we thought that the work was very difficult and we were not able to do it.

e. What have you learnt? 

In this work, we have learnt about TPACK. Now, we can distinguish between technological, pedagogical and content knowledge. We have learnt how the subjects are put in order according to its way of teach. Besides, we have learnt to coordinate us for do some works.

f. What do you need to conserve -as a group- for the next weeks? 

This week we have worked a lot because we did not understand the activity very well. I think that the team have to conserve the excitement of working for get our target. Moreover, we have helped each other, so that is why the work has been easier.

g. What do you need to improve –as a group- for the next weeks?

Although the team has worked very well this week, we can improve in many aspects. For example, we could be more calm, because this week we have been nervous. Besides, we have to take adventage of the classroom time and do each work in class.

h. How THIS content is related to other contents in the course and in your degree?

TPACK is related to many contents like the subjects.I can talk about the first four-month period only, so for example, we have related TPACK with Planification because this subject uses technological, pedagogical and content knowledge. Institutions and theories of education uses content knowledge on the contrary. Finally, Psychology of Development and Sociology of Education are related to pedagogical and content knowledge, because we have used draft and slides in both subjects.

i. There is any evident social connection of this content (news, politics, etc.)? 

We have not found any evident social connection of this content. Indeed, we have used only the information committed by the teacher, moreover, Internet to look for pictures.

This week my role is the Analyst, who grades the each member's work and evaluate how we have worked this week. When I was chosen for the role of Analyst, I thought that it would be difficult, because score your own mates is not easy. Moreover, I had to pay attention to everything because everything was necessary for the evaluation. My team has worked very hard and they have obtained the provided knowledges about TPACK, so it was difficult say something wrong about this week. However, my role has been very constructive, this is all to say that I have learnt about TPACK and my partners. The Analyst must observe everything and takes note about details for supplement its work.

Being a journalist; by Miriam Riquelme Gil.

My role this week was to be the journalist.
At first, I didn't have very clear what I had to do. It was different to anything I've ever done in my academical life so I was a bit lost, but with a little help from my group mates, I understood what my task was about.
The first thing I did was to start collecting information about my group mates' work. I observed them and tried to help them as much as I could.
At the same time, I searched for some education blogs on the Internet, but most of them were obsolete.
I finally decided to comment on this one. I looked through the posts for a while and I saw that some most of them were about technologies and how they can improve our teaching. I found this quite interesting and I thought it was perfect for this subject, and it also related in some aspects with the TPACK mode.
This was the comment I left in one of the posts:
I honestly recomend this blog for everyone, I found it really interesting and useful, and I even read some of the post just for pleasure and not only for the proyect.

The other blog I visited was my classmate's blog. The little ants.
I comented on this blog because I've seen them working through the week and I really think they put a lot of effort in what they do.
In addition, their presentation was honestly well done and they explained everything very clearly, so the rest of my group, and I'm sure that the rest of the class too, understood everything perfectly. They are hard workers and you can easily see that in their blog, which is very complete and proffesional.

Finally, I'll add some pictures we took while doing our work last week!

Star, by Carmela Navarro Artés

My role for this week was the "star", and like the others, it has its positive and negative aspects. 
From by point of view the role of the star is the most representative, because you are the one who speacks to the public and you show what you've really learnt and understood about the content, in this case the TPACK mode. 
As for the exposition, any of us expected the way it was, we all had in mind the usual exposition in front of the whole class.
Presenting the same content for each group was easier because you're not exposed to the 100% of the class, but you're doing it step by step and it's more personal because you can appreciate if they are paying attention, their facial expresion...
Working in group but with some specific tasks, helps to get all of us to do something and to be a part of the group work. 
Let's see what we have to do next week!

domingo, 9 de febrero de 2014


Welcome to the Education Rush Hour blog!
We would like to introduce ourselves for you to see who has been working on each role this week.

Alba Yelo Maquilón: The Boss.
Alejandro Orenes Almira and Elena Sánchez Valverde: Translators.
Carmela Navarro Artés: Star.
Elena Rivera Gallego: Curator-Farmer.
Mari Luz Rodríguez Gambín: Analyst.
Miriam Riquelme Gil: Journalist.

We hope you enjoy our blog and you find our weekly work interesting and useful.
Also, you can find us on twitter and instagram
Thank you for visiting!