This second week has been (in some aspects) easier than last week.
The main reason is that this week we knew what to expect and what we were doing better than the first. We started the week with a lot of enthusiasm and, as we asigned the rols, I tried to organize more or less the work for this week.
The first thing I did as the facilitator was to put a deadline. Every post by every single one of the roles had to be in a draft by Saturday night to avoid the last hour updates and go a little more relaxed. After that, I tried to help my group mates as much as I could, asking questions to the teachers, observing that everything was going correctly...
I think we honestly did a good job this week and that now we are getting used to work together and we are more comfortable than last week.
Personally I think I did my job well this week, but it can always be better, so I'm sure that with effort and hard work we will be a great group very soon.
Also I have uploaded some videos this week in order to document our work and to share it in the social networks.
Today it was the day of the presentations and we were nervous because we didn't know what to expect. When Linda explained how the presentations would be done, we all started working in our groups (Facilitators with facilitators and journalists, analysts with analysts...) I think this was very intesting beacuse we are learning how to coperate and work in groups.
It's been an interesting activity and I have really enjoyed it.
Finally just a reminder that you can follow us on twitter and instagram
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