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miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2014

MªLuz Rodríguez like a "Start"

I’m MªLuz, and I have been the “Start” this week in which we are ended the first part of the subject. First of all, I have to say that I had been the start before, but this week has been amazing and we have done a lot of different things that I will explain after.
According with our last task, we had to do a video in which we summarize all the previous task. It is why we have done a video using a program called “Powtoon” although we could choose between this one or “Moovly”.
In our video you can see a story where we tried to explain what we have learnt all these days. First, we see a sleeping boy who dreamt with what he is going to learn in his class, but the mother enter on his own bedroom in order to get up him.  Next, this boy who is the main character, is going to the school but he had forgotten his book bag although his mother was trying bring it to him. It is a example where we can see how the books are not as necessary as some people belive, in this case his mother. After, a teacher expalins “Cartographic projections” using a map instead of a traditional book. After the class, the boy are argueing about what they had learnt. Here we can see that the contents that we learn we can use it in our daily life. Next, there is a summarize about our social network like Twitter, our blog and our PearlTree where we have saved all the links used in order to obtain the necessary information.  We finished our video with photos in which we appear while we was working on this subject.

We showed our video yesterday, Monday 24th. We had a different way in order to evaluate, it was like “Eurovision”. Our videos were scored by the other teams that it had to award with a scoring. I was the person in charge of say the scored that our time believed that they merited. Finally, there was a tie between our classmates C’mon Tutankamon and Hide and Seek, both got 77 points. Education Rush Hour obtained 55 points like Teachleaders. It was a different assessment in which all the people enjoyed and had a good time.

See you soon with a new part of the subject! 

martes, 25 de marzo de 2014

Being the analyst by Elena Rivera.

Hello everybody, I have been working as the analyst this week and it was so difficult to me because the fact that grade the work of my mates isn´t  a well job.

I have been working at home because I was so sick but I´m doing the work that I had to do. In other hand it has been a good experience for me cause I could learnt more about how grade the individual work of me team and to see what we can improve to be a better team.

To do this sumarizing video about what we have learnt has been one of the most useful works that I have done in my academic career because I have was all that I have learnt in this four-monthly.
I´m so pleased, I have learnt a lot and I want to continue learning.

  • What was the best part of the activity?
         It was to creat the video about we have learnt in this subject, that is, what is TPACK, to know 
         disadvantaje to use the textbooks, to use a lot of programs on Internet like Powtoons or Pearl              tree, and more things. We have learnt to value the things that we have learnt.

  •   What was the worse?
         It was to know to use Powtoons and to download the music for it in Creative Commons.

  • What was  the best moment of the week (in the work of the group)?
        It was when we got to use well Powtoons and we finished the video and I got to upload the                 music to the video.

  • What was the worse?
         It was when we had to create and organizated the video with all the work because we didn´t                know how sumarize it in that few time. There were a lot of works that we have done in this                curse and we wanted to included all of them in the video.
  • What have you learnt?                                                                                                        I have learnt a lot of things this week, it has been a very useful work because I have see all the thing that we have learnt in weeks and  also I continue learning everyday in class. I didn´t know much things about technology but now I can control many programs and their tools. I´m glad for all I have learnt.

  • What do you need to conserve -as a group- for the next weeks?
        I want to conserve our creativity because we are doing better things than the beginning of the             curse, we have improved it a lot.

  • What do you need to improve -as a group- for the next weeks?
         We have to improve our organization and our coordination, but we are going to got this soon.

  • How this content is related to other contents in the course and in your degree?
        First, it´s very related with our own learning because if we use this kind of works we can see all           the things that we are learning. For example, doing a sumarizing we can have all the topics and             contents that we have learnt. In the future, it will be the class in which the teacher and the                   students review the previous lesson with a dynamic work.

Elena Sánchez and Carmela Navarro as the Jornalist

Hello everybody, we are Elena Sanchez and Carmela Navarro, the journalist of this week.
As I said before, we have been working together and it make easier our work.

This week we had to made a video which had to include all the contents that we have been studing during these weeks. This video had to be made throught different tools suggested by our teacher, for example the one used by my group "Powtoon". With this program you can do such a funny, interactive, easy and understandable presentation served with a song which make it  more dynamic.
When we started to do it we didn´t know how to start becase as our teacher said we wanted to be original, and make something different, so we wanted to include in it some pictures or records of ourselves but it was not possible so, we had to change our schemes.
Our parter Mari Luz the star of this week, suggested a great idea about the video, she recomend the idea of a video in which the main protagonist was a guy introducing the contents with pictures of our own works and also some pictures of us working together, because we have been studing what the TPACK is, how to do a good presentation, or the freedom to explain everything in a diferent way but we have also been learning how to work in a big group with many people and it is a very important aspect.

As every single weeks, on Monday we had to show and explain our work of the week. As always we did not know how it was going to be, and it was in an "Eurovision" style, first of all we watched each record and then each group had to evaluate the rest of the groups with a mark ( 12, 11, 10, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4 3).
From my point of view, it was a great lesson, we enjoied with that and we had a very good time.

Now according to other blogs we want to say that we have commented in some blogs of our class mate and other blogs, here we put the links in order to see the differents comments:

Some pictures about this week

Being a Curator Farmer, by: Alejandro Orenes Almira

Well, first of all I would want to say that the assignment of the role of "Curator Farmer" was the least wanted for me at the beginning of the subject because I didn't know how to do a pearl tree and I thought that it will be very difficult and I couldn't do it. Now, I think that doing a pearl tree is very easy, I could do it alone and I had nothing to worry about. I just had to put some links in some pearls, these links were about the three advertisements we did, the twitter account of Mercedes Ruiz: @Londones and the information of the words that were included one of the videos.

The topic of the activity of the week was: The dark side of Text Books. Me and my mates met at the university to do some videos about the topic showing a clear critique of the text books showing the results that the students acquire from the text books and comparing them with the results that students acquire from the teachers. The advertisements were seen at the classroom during the presentation.

Me and my mates compaired ourself with the Text Books learning that we, the teachers, are much more important than the text books because althought they are plenty of information they can't improve the students' culture as teachers do.

My next role is the "Facilitator", this is an important role and I will try to do my best to achieve our objectives.

Here you are the link of Pearltree where you can see our new work!

Mª Luz as a translator

Hello everyone!
I'm MªLuz, and I have been the translator this week when we have discuss about textbooks and its desadvantages. It is a interesting content because we know that many teachers want to change their methods in order to teach but, do they choose their own methods?

First of all, we have to know different concepts that will help us to understand the really textbook world.

- Editorials: Type of company in charge of editing and providing books in order to send it.

- Methodology: The system of methods and principles used in a particular discipline. In this case we can define how teachers decide to give lessons.
(Wordreference, 2014)

- Business: Organization involved in the trade of goods, services, or both to consumers. Businesses are prevalent in capitalist economies where most of them are privately owned and provide goods and services to customers for profit. We can say that editorials believe eduacation like a business, since if they send more books they will make money.
(The free encyclopedia, 2014)

- Curriculum: The planned interaction of pupils with instructional content, materials, resources, and processes for evaluating the attainment of educational objectives. Teachers have to teach certain concepts that appear in an official curriculum. Moreover, they have to evaluate according to this document.
(The free encyclopedia, 2014)

- Textbooks: Manual of instruction in any branch of study. Textbooks are produced according to the demands of educational institutions. Although most textbooks are only published in printed format, many are now available as online electronic books.
(The free encyclopedia, 2014)

I have chosen this concepts because all of them are member of a educational chain. I mean, we can see TEXTBOOKS in a school, because we need it in order to comply our stage of education. Schools and teachers use a lot of books, for this, they request advice on how to use them. That is why EDITORIALS see in the sale of books a opportunity to obtain more profits,but sometimes editorials would see education like a BUSINESS, no like a right.  Moreover, schools have to follow a CURRICULUM where appear the contents and objectives that they have to get, therefore schools look for "the best" METHODOLOGY in order to teach, but are books really appropiate for teaching? Could we change our traditional way?

I think that Education is more important than a business, so editorials would have think more on children than theirselves. Besides, schools as teachers must improve or innovate the class and the methodology, set aside the books and the enormous amount of contents that we can find in them.

Finally, I want to congratulate to Mercedes Ruiz (you can find her on Twitter @londoness) for her visit. We enjoyed a lot with her and we leart so much about new methodology that we will be able to practice.
Have a nice week!

Carmela Navarro Artés, "The Facilitator"

This week I have been working as the Facilitator.
I think that this week we understood what we had to do since the first moment, so it make easier my job as the "Facilitator" and also the groupal work, so because of that it haven´t been such a difficult work for me.
I started my work as the boss understanding well what we had to do, then I explained it to the rest of the group and I also have been tweetting.

According to the groupal work, we started the week thinking aabout an original way to show to the class the negative points of text books, then we continued recording some videos in different places and finally the star explained each one of the recordings to everybody on Monday.

With this activity we realise that text books are not necessary at all, and there are many different ways to explain the concepts or the contents.

This week we had the visit of Mercedes Ruiz (@londoness) and with her we learnt that we are free to explain and teach what ever we want, she was a great teacher, very funny, friendly and also familiar because she made us fell very confident and ready to do all the activities that she presented to us. With her we did an activity in which we had to explain something in an original way with a slogan and then explained it, we chosen the slogan "Smirrel the Squirrel", with a picture of a squirrel jumping in the University, and we wanted to explain that the nature is everywhere.

lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014

Miriam Riquelme, farmer.

This week I've been the farmer. I wanted to do this role because I was curious about the pearl tree thing, and I wanted to make one, like the rest of my group mates. I didn't have much to do, so I can't say I've worked a lot this week, but I've tried to put up with some things we had behind. I've liked my role, not because I have worked less (I feel bad for it) but because it's something I hadn't done before and I like doing new things.
This week I've learnt how to make an animated video, which is very cool because it's a tool to improve your creativity and to enjoy yourself while doing your homework. I also think the activity we did today in class was necesary, because in that way, we've seen what our classmates think about our job and about our way of working. We got 55 points! Which is very nice, if I'm honest.
I can't wait for next week and next rol, in the second part of the course!

lunes, 17 de marzo de 2014

Journalist, Alba Yelo.

Last week we were working about the dark side of text books. After the brainstorming we decided to do three TV publishment against the text books. 

I found a blog which talk about this topic and it helped us to understand better the topic, so I wrote a comment in spanish (the blog is written in spanish) on it.

Here it is:

We meet to record it and after 3 hours we finnished and we were proud about the results of it.

Translator of the week, by Alba Yelo

Hi! My name is Alba Yelo and I was the translator during the last weekend. The topic of the week was about what we have learnt in the subject of Scholar Organization and Educational Resources. We had to make a video summarizing the concepts of all the topics we have worked about.

In order to understand better the video we did, here you have five keywords and its definition:

Learning: It is the act of gaining knowledge, just as we have done with this subject and others, and throughout our lives. We never stop learning.

Future: It is the time yet to come. Through learning that we are acquiring in this race we will be prepared in the future to teach and prepare children to be individuals.

Technology: Our future work as teachers will be strongly influenced by technology as we saw on the #TPACK's work. We also saw on #Librosdetesto that the learning shouldn't be related just with books, but on technologies. In this topic we have used technology because we had to use powtoon in order to make the video.

Cooperation:  beneficial but inessential interaction between two or more people. We have learnt how to work in a group (where there are people who has different thinking) and help each other. That will be usefull in our future, where we will be working with other teachers.

Teacher: educator and developer of minds. The video we have done summarizes all the contents we have learnt and we must have in the future in order to be a good teacher.

My experience being a Star, by Miriam Riquelme

I don't know exactly how to explain myself, because I'm still very excited and embarrased for this week's proyect.
First of all, I'll say that I've had so much fun doing the videos, I almost forgot that they were class proyects, because we were fooling around, dressing up as children, superheroes and other stuff. It's been a really good experience. Making, editing and uploading the videos has been something fun to do, because it's been different and not something we do in class every day.
When we came up with the ideas for the videos, we were not very sure if the rest of the class would catch the messages, but i think they did.
We had a last minute problem today with our other star, Elena. She came to class very sick and she couldn't do the presentation. Get well soon, Elena!
I did the presentation on my own and I think it went alright, basically because what I had to do was only to introduce the videos and explain why we chose that format.
I also think that the idea of putting the opinions on the page is amazing, because you can see what your classmates think of you and leave your own opinions there.

The dark side of the textbooks

This week I was the analyst, Elena Sánchez Valverde.

What was the best part of the activity
In my opinion the best part of this type of activiy (make some videos)  is how to organize the caracters who are going to present the content and the way we imagine the differents results of these videos.

What was the worse?
The difficulties we have to elaborate the videos, because when you have to record, you need a camera and sometimes is very difficult to found a good camera which make goods videos, for example the mobiles cameras are really bad for this type of activity.

What was the best moment of the week?
I'm remembering the day we have to record, it was really funny seeing Miriam and Elena Rivera in the middle of the mountain acting their roles. I also remember we were laughed a lot because one group of guys walked near of us and they saw how they were acting, obviusly they laughted about this situation.

What was the worse moment?
The fist day we had to organize the different roles and the way we were going to work that week, this day we've got some differences beetwen us, but we could solve them.

What have you learnt?
We have learnt how record, how to put in common some information and ideas about making a video. We also have learnt that teachers are actors and their acting in the clasroom are esential for pupils and the way they understand the concept.

What do you need to conserve as a group for the next weeks?
In my opinion I think is very important to conserve the respect with our other mates and their ideas.
It is also fundamental we improve our organization that in my opinion this week has been a bit bad in comparaison with others weeks.

The conclusion of this week: I would like to say the group work very hard to do it the best as possible, althoug sometimes we cannot get the best results but we go on trying it and it is essential for a strong and united group. Of course we have to continue getting better some aspects, but we have not got any problem with this, because my group are considere like a group which love getting better each week

Work as a Star by Elena Rivera.

Last week I knew that I was going to be one of the stars with mi classmate Miriam. I got the news hopefully because to do a presentation is one of the best ways to demonstrate that I may be a good teacher. When we do a presentation about something, in this case about the disadvantages of the textbooks, we can know if we explain the topic well and if the people who are listening us can understand what are we saying.

Unfaithfully, I couldn't present our work with Miriam and I was disappointed,  but I´m going to demonstrate soon that I can do a excellent presentation, because I love to present and there will be more opportunities to do it. We have worked a lot in this advertisements with enthusiasm . In my view,  this work has been one of the most interesting works that we have done, it has helped us to understand better what are the disadvantages of the textbooks.

This are the three advertisments that we have donde this week:

Finally, I want to do completely this role again because it's one of the roles that I like a lot. To be a star is a method to overcoming ourselves and it's very useful in order to get fluency in order to present, to get creativity and to speak better in English.

domingo, 16 de marzo de 2014

Here you are a video where you can see many disadvantages about textbooks!
We hope you enjoy with it and learn a lot

Happy Sunday :)

lunes, 10 de marzo de 2014

Being a teacher from a different point of view.

Today, we had a special class. Mercedes Ruiz, a preschool teacher, came to our classroom to talk about how we should teach in a future and she did a performance to explain it. After that we went to the street to find some picture to catch children's atention. We had to invent a dinamic and enthusiastic slogan which motivate children to study.
When we were thinking about what to do, we saw a little squirrel climbing a tree. We all decided to take some photos and after that we would think of a creative slogan. The result of our brainstorming was:

And here is the slogan: "Be natural, be educational"

Then, when all the groups had finished the activity, we went back to class and we had to present our slogan in a dinamic way. It was so funny and interesting and we all had such a good time.

Mercedes taught us how to be different teachers, how to catch children's attention and how to teach and get fun at the same time.

We are very grateful to have known her because she had such some interesting ideas about how to be a good teacher and a good performer, and we think that we can learn a lot of things from her.

martes, 4 de marzo de 2014

Starting the work...

We are having doubts about what we must take: “Comic? Or TV publishment? In one hand, comic is creative, but in the other hand it is too short and we can’t find any page on the internet to do it free. So  finally we choose the TV publisment which is easier to do. Tomorrow we are going to meet before classes in order to record the videos. I will bring the camera and the Stars (Miriam y Elena R.) and the rest of the group will be performing. We all going to colaborate!