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martes, 25 de marzo de 2014

Being a Curator Farmer, by: Alejandro Orenes Almira

Well, first of all I would want to say that the assignment of the role of "Curator Farmer" was the least wanted for me at the beginning of the subject because I didn't know how to do a pearl tree and I thought that it will be very difficult and I couldn't do it. Now, I think that doing a pearl tree is very easy, I could do it alone and I had nothing to worry about. I just had to put some links in some pearls, these links were about the three advertisements we did, the twitter account of Mercedes Ruiz: @Londones and the information of the words that were included one of the videos.

The topic of the activity of the week was: The dark side of Text Books. Me and my mates met at the university to do some videos about the topic showing a clear critique of the text books showing the results that the students acquire from the text books and comparing them with the results that students acquire from the teachers. The advertisements were seen at the classroom during the presentation.

Me and my mates compaired ourself with the Text Books learning that we, the teachers, are much more important than the text books because althought they are plenty of information they can't improve the students' culture as teachers do.

My next role is the "Facilitator", this is an important role and I will try to do my best to achieve our objectives.

Here you are the link of Pearltree where you can see our new work!

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