I don't know exactly how to explain myself, because I'm still very excited and embarrased for this week's proyect.
First of all, I'll say that I've had so much fun doing the videos, I almost forgot that they were class proyects, because we were fooling around, dressing up as children, superheroes and other stuff. It's been a really good experience. Making, editing and uploading the videos has been something fun to do, because it's been different and not something we do in class every day.
When we came up with the ideas for the videos, we were not very sure if the rest of the class would catch the messages, but i think they did.
We had a last minute problem today with our other star, Elena. She came to class very sick and she couldn't do the presentation. Get well soon, Elena!
I did the presentation on my own and I think it went alright, basically because what I had to do was only to introduce the videos and explain why we chose that format.
I also think that the idea of putting the opinions on the page is amazing, because you can see what your classmates think of you and leave your own opinions there.
En esta pestaña irán apareciendo los videos de una sesión ubuntu :-)) http://uniblogmaniacos.blogspot.com.es/p/session-en.html
ResponderEliminarWith love!
Lady Díriga
You can watch all the lesson in this link :-)
Os recomiendo visitar las otras dos sesiones, blogmaníacos y #oyr3, y participar en el blog ...
Trataremos de hacer un blog UBUNTU
With love
Lady Díriga