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martes, 25 de marzo de 2014

Elena Sánchez and Carmela Navarro as the Jornalist

Hello everybody, we are Elena Sanchez and Carmela Navarro, the journalist of this week.
As I said before, we have been working together and it make easier our work.

This week we had to made a video which had to include all the contents that we have been studing during these weeks. This video had to be made throught different tools suggested by our teacher, for example the one used by my group "Powtoon". With this program you can do such a funny, interactive, easy and understandable presentation served with a song which make it  more dynamic.
When we started to do it we didn´t know how to start becase as our teacher said we wanted to be original, and make something different, so we wanted to include in it some pictures or records of ourselves but it was not possible so, we had to change our schemes.
Our parter Mari Luz the star of this week, suggested a great idea about the video, she recomend the idea of a video in which the main protagonist was a guy introducing the contents with pictures of our own works and also some pictures of us working together, because we have been studing what the TPACK is, how to do a good presentation, or the freedom to explain everything in a diferent way but we have also been learning how to work in a big group with many people and it is a very important aspect.

As every single weeks, on Monday we had to show and explain our work of the week. As always we did not know how it was going to be, and it was in an "Eurovision" style, first of all we watched each record and then each group had to evaluate the rest of the groups with a mark ( 12, 11, 10, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4 3).
From my point of view, it was a great lesson, we enjoied with that and we had a very good time.

Now according to other blogs we want to say that we have commented in some blogs of our class mate and other blogs, here we put the links in order to see the differents comments:

Some pictures about this week

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