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martes, 18 de febrero de 2014

Being Farmer: Carmela Navarro Artes

Hello, I am Carmela Navarro Artés, the "Curator-farmer" of this week.

This week we have been working on the topic of Cartographic projections studying the different types of making a map.

Along this week, I have been working with the same programe used by my partner last week, the one called "Pearl tree" but this week the way of using it, has been easier than last week because I have had the help of our curator-farmer of last week, Elena Rivera, so I had to recolect all the information used by my partners about the topic of this week and put it in the pearl tree.

This time my role has been very different rather than the one of last week, the "Star" because, in that one I had to look for the information, do the poster, learn a lot about the topic (TPACK), and prepare the exposition which was a surprise because we didn´t really know how it was going to be, and this week I have been working hard as last week but the way of working has been very different.

According to the exposition, I think that all of us thought that it was going to be like last week, but the teacher suprised us changing everything.

First of all the stars had to explain all the contents together, I mean, there was just one exposition. They did it very well and as in everything there was different points of view about what was the best type. Each star talked a few seconds using their posters and differents tools, for example one group used an orange and in our case we used our power point.

After that the rest of roles had to explain concepts related to the work made along this week.

In my case I had to explain how each one can understand something depending of their experiences, cultures, education... And we explain it with an example, first of all we drew in the blackbourd a body with something in the hand, and then the people had to say what they saw, maybe it was a boy with a towel, a mother cleaning, the gardener picking cauliflowers...

So it is everything for this week, I hope that you don´t find it boring and enjoy with us!

Now we are ready to have another wonderful week of work, we will keep in contact by our account of twitter and instagram.

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