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martes, 11 de febrero de 2014

Star, by Carmela Navarro Artés

My role for this week was the "star", and like the others, it has its positive and negative aspects. 
From by point of view the role of the star is the most representative, because you are the one who speacks to the public and you show what you've really learnt and understood about the content, in this case the TPACK mode. 
As for the exposition, any of us expected the way it was, we all had in mind the usual exposition in front of the whole class.
Presenting the same content for each group was easier because you're not exposed to the 100% of the class, but you're doing it step by step and it's more personal because you can appreciate if they are paying attention, their facial expresion...
Working in group but with some specific tasks, helps to get all of us to do something and to be a part of the group work. 
Let's see what we have to do next week!

1 comentario:

  1. Give me 7 group consider that the star of the Educational Rush Hour group had fluency on her dialogue and that she knew very well the information. CONGRATULATIONS CARMELA!!
